

  1. PhD Engineering [2022 - Current]
             - at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
  2. B.Tech Mining Engineering [2015 - 2019]
             - at Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
  3. Junior College [2013-2015]
             - at Sri Chaitanya Junior Kalasala


[Jul 2019 - Jul 2022]   Software Engineer at ARC Document Solutions

[Jan 2023 - May 2023]   Teaching Assistant at CCE, IISc

[Aug 2023 - Dec 2023]   Teaching Assistant at CCE, IISc


  1. Particle Deposition in Human Lung Airways.
  2. Semi-autonomous, gesture controlled robot for finding path in a maze.
  3. Uncovering nucleus of large networks.
  4. Software to determine coal outsourcing price for e-reverse-auctioning.

Open Source Contributions

  1. neovim
  2. Loopback4
  3. void-packages
  4. stack (haskell)
  5. elastic-search


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